Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

If you can't guess from the title, today is my birthday! My best present is there is no school today! This is awesome! However, I plan on spending the day catching up on homework. We only had one week of classes but I am already behind on reading!!! What the heck!
As my Analytical Chemistry professor pointed out to me it has been 14 years since I have had General Chemistry. This is something I am totally aware of but the need of him to point this out to me has me a little worried about the class. I was already worried about the class but now am even more so. Then the comment last week at the end of class was "if this week was not review for you may want to consider dropping the class now or you will get eaten alive by the material!" Oh great! If you can't guess last week was not review for me it was all new again but the concepts made since, where in General Chemistry these concepts were foreign. Therefore, I am going to take the teacher's comment as a challenge and study my hardest and get an "A" in this class! I am pretty sure it can be done.
In KSP classes, I am getting introduced to new technology. This will be OK but again will take time for me to figure out and get the hang of. I hope to be able to do this with out getting too wrapped up in and forget to focus on my other classes. I hope I do not use this as a reason to procrastinate studying for my other classes, as I am doing right now!
I really do not want to study evolution or pay bills so I will blog and post on wiki!?!?! However, this will be done for the week and then I can focus on all of the other homework I need to get done before my kids get home from school.
Have a great week everyone and hopefully next week I will be posting that a light bulb went off in my brain and I remember everything from General Chemistry!!


  1. I'm sure you will be fine. Your brain still has all the Chemistry connections:-)

  2. Just remember that no one will judge you if you get a B in the class. I think Bs in chemistry are still considered great grades.
