Saturday, February 5, 2011


How is everyone else feeling about my title topic? I am just feeling like instead of this being an accelerated program it is more like if you can survive this program than.....Wowza! Just when I think I am getting caught up something more is thrown at us and it is another project or paper and then throw in the undergrade classes...I have exams and presentations, etc to contend with. None of this is including life outside of school and work. Sorry I am not trying to complain as I realize we are all in the same boat but what are all of you doing to stay afloat? How do you fit it all into your life? Any suggestions?
Well thanks for listening...I really didn't give you a choice now did I ;)


  1. Fortunately I do not have many undergraduate classes to take. Last semester all I had were the Tuesday evening classes - so that eased me into this change in my life. This semester I have one undergrad class, which in turn leads me to be on campus a bit more. My family is really supportive and my daughters are an age where they do not need my constant attention.
    Hang in there and "press on!"

  2. I've got a lot of undergrad classes, and I am definitely feeling overwhelmed at times. How I keep going: I try not to have homework on weekends (or to get it done Friday/Sat am). This goes better some weeks than others. I also stay in Mankato during the week, so pretty much all I do during the week is school stuff. I know that's not an option for everyone, but it's my way of trying to work things out. It does result in me feeling burned out a lot from not doing much else.

    I do try to steal a few "me" minutes. I don't have kids, so I am sure that helps me out. I cross-stitch in the evenings or read a chapter in a book before heading to bed. I definitely am not sleeping enough, but I've been pushing through anyway.

    And, finally, I am counting the days until spring break, and then I will count the days until this semester is done. Just think of this: after working through all of this, teaching is going to be a snap.
